For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
One of the best ways to get involved at ALC is to find an area to serve in. It literally takes hundreds of people serving to make this ministry to do all of the amazing work we do here, and around the world. You have passion, gifting, talents and abilities that will bring a supply to this body, and offer you a place to pour out what you have to offer for the Kingdom of God.
First Impressions Team
The first people guests see at ALC! We want smiling faces and those who will be kind and helpful to newcomers.
Kids Ministry
Kids volunteers help with children from ages newborn to 12 years old. Volunteers can help with Sunday morning services, nurseries, toddler rooms, or kids MyGroups.
Media Team
Media Team volunteers can help with sound, camera operation, lighting, photography, and our online service experience.
Youth Ministry
Youth volunteers help out with our teens at ALC. They will be involved in youth services, lead youth MyGroups, and attend youth events.
Music Ministry
This ministry covers the choir, main worship team, and band. Volunteers in the music ministry can serve by using their voices or instrument capabilities.
Dance Team
This team ministers to the Lord with anointed choreographed dances and flags.
Usher Team
Usher Ministry volunteers serve by helping serve the congregation during services. This includes seating newcomers, collecting tithes & offerings, and working in partnership with the altar team.
Intercessory Team
The Intercessory Team takes time to pray for the services and for the church as a whole.
Van Ministry
Our van ministry picks up people each week for MyGroups and services. We want you to be part of this ministry that is reaching into our community!
Altar Team
The Altar Team are our volunteers that pray for people each week at ALC. These volunteers are held to a high standard and are encouraged to be mature believers in Christ.
ALC Reach Team
This team is committed to going outside of the four walls of the church to evangelize the lost for Jesus Christ. This team goes out each month to hit the streets and preach the Gospel to those who are lost.
Compassion Center
The Compassion Center team helps by serving the community. We assist those in the community with food and clothing on a weekly basis. Whether it's at our on site facility, or making deliveries, we want to show the love of Christ!

You can Help our Partners

Compassion Center
The Compassion Center is our food and clothing bank that we offer to our church and community. You can serve in the Compassion Center throughout the week and you can also be served by the Compassion Center if you are in need. We would love to help you or have you o our team - click below to learn more.

Hope Farms
Hope Farms is a rehabilitation center for women who have suffered from life controlling issues. Hope Farms desires to see each woman freed and restored completely! If you'd like to join the Hope Farms recovery program or offer your time serving alongside the women, please click below for more information.