The Holy Spirit || Part 12

Jul 12, 2023

The Holy Spirit || Part 12, Day 3

I Corinthians‬ 12‬:1‬-11‬ NKJV‬‬

Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant: You know that you were Gentiles, carried away to these dumb idols, however you were led. Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed, and no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit. There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.

The Gift of Faith - The best way to define this gift is the gift of SPECIAL FAITH. This is not the faith the Bible speaks of in Romans 12:3. The gift of faith is not the measure of faith. The gift of faith is times when you walk in special faith. This gift, like all the other gifts, comes with a quickening or an unction from the Holy Spirit.

This gift is exemplified all throughout the Bible. Most of the time, you see this gift show up to deliver God’s people or change the natural course of events. We see an amazing example of this gift in action through the apostle Peter. In Acts chapter 3 Peter and John are on their way to the temple to pray. They encounter a man who was a lame from his mother’s womb. In other words, the natural course, for this man is to be lame all his life. There is nothing in the natural anyone can do for this man. As Peter and John walked by him, he asked them for some money. Peter tells the man to look at them. He then says, "Silver, and gold. I do not have, but what I have, I give you, in the name of Jesus of Nazareth rise up and walk." The Bible says the man immediately got up and walked.

The gift of faith was operating through the apostle Peter. There is no telling how many times he had walked by this lame man. I truly believe Jesus himself walked by this lame man. But on this day, on their way to the temple to pray, the gift of faith is quickened in the apostle Peter, and a man receives a miracle because of it. The gift of faith changed the natural order for this man.

We see this gift exemplify in the life of Abraham and Sarah. Abraham receives a promise from God. However, after a length of time the promise does not come to pass. Abraham and Sarah decide to take things into their own hands. Sarah and Abraham feel that God needs their help. So, Sarah gives Abraham her servant Hagar. Through this fleshly act they give birth to Ishmael.

After this, God does not speak to Abraham for 13 years. Finally, after 13 years, God visits Abraham and declares the promise to him once again. Abraham thinks he is speaking of Ishmael. God assures him that He is not speaking of Ishmael, but a year from that day, according to the time of man, Sarah would give birth to a son.

Through this encounter with God, the gift of faith comes in Abraham. But not only does the gift of faith unction Abraham, but it also unctions Sarah. Sure enough, a year from that time Sara gives birth to a baby boy, and they named him Isaac. The natural course of order for Abraham and Sarah was to never have a child. They were way past the age of childbearing.

However, when the gift of faith showed up, it produced the supernatural power of God to change the natural order of things. And now we get to read a story that helps us in our times of unbelief. We get to read about a 90-year-old woman and a 99-year-old man having a child for the first time.

Today, I came to tell people who have messed up, it’s not over. I came to encourage some people today that the natural order of things doesn’t seem to be in your favor. Today I came to preach to some people who have been holding onto a promise for a long time. The word I want to give you today, one moment with the gift of faith being stirred inside of you can change everything!

The gifts of healings - The gifts of healings are the power of God working progressively to bring healing to someone anywhere in their lives. Healing for the body, soul, and spirit. When you look at the gifts of the Spirit you will see that there are three gifts given to bring healing to the body, three given to help your soul, and three given to help your spirit.

When speaking of the gifts of healings, it is important that we do not get them mixed up or confused with the working of miracles. The gifts of healings are progressive, whereas the working of miracles is instantaneous. We see many examples of both throughout the Bible, and in the New Testament.

When you read the Bible, and you see the stories where Jesus would pray for someone, and the Bible would say, and from that very hour they began to get well. Or from the very hour, they began to be made whole. That is the gift of healings at work through Jesus helping someone else. Any time you see the word immediately that is the working of miracles flowing through Jesus to that person.

It’s very important that you understand the difference. Because sometimes we ask God for healing, and when we don’t see the miracle, we give up. Many times the gifts of healings are at work in us and we walk away from what God is doing because we did not see a miracle happen.

When the gifts of healings are flowing, and someone is praying for you, it is very important that you walk away from that moment with the same faith you walked into that moment with. In other words, keep your confession right, keep your faith high, and keep your beliefs strong. The gifts of healings are working in your life. But if you walk away from there and lose heart, lose faith, because you did not see a miracle, you’re going to amend what God is doing through the gifts of healings.

The gifts of healings do not just flow to the body. There are some people here with healthy bodies but need healing in other places. One of the anointing’s on this ministry is a healing anointing. We might not see a lot of people healed physically, but I can’t count to you how many people have come sick in their mind, torn up in their spirits, and broken in their hearts, and receive healing by just sitting under this anointing.

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